After being in the hospital twice for "false labor" my water finally broke at 11:30pm on Sunday night. We were checked into a room by 12:30, and I had my epidural by 3:30am after lots of paperwork and major contractions. I went to sleep at 4:00 and then woke up at 7:00 to start pushing. The baby was delivered at 8:20am on Monday after the nurse turned off the epidural to make me "want it more", whatever that means. I wish it had all been as simple as I make it sound, but all things considered we are doing great and feeling very blessed.
We came very close to naming him Calvin Fawkes after Guy Fawkes and the "Remember Remember the 5th of November..." incident, but considering our lack of ties to Catholicism or England we went back to plan A. Fawkes would have been fun in a nerdy sort of way, but I'm glad he's named after his daddy. He's adorable and we love him already.