- Height 25 inches - 50th percentile
- Weight 17lbs 9oz - 90th percentile
- Head - 17 inches - 90th percentile
Calvin with Uncle Gary and Aunt Gretchen. He hasn't seen them since he was a few weeks old, but he hit it off with them immediately and had lots of fun with them while they were here.
Mommy and Calvin. Grandpa insisted since we have very few pictures of the two of us together.
Carrie makes these DIVINE truffles, so I asked her to help me make some for a few people that I work with. I really did intend for it to be a group effort, but Carrie's a sweetheart and ended up doing it all herself while I took care of the boy. The little squiggles didn't turn out how I imagined in my head, but they still tasted amazing.
Yesterday Rebekah came up for work and her sister Jen came up for an interview, so they stayed the night with us. It was so fun to have them - two of the best people I've ever met. We went out to eat and talked and played the Wii. They left this morning and we were sad to see them go.
Do we know how to have a good time, or what?!?! Actually this was before the party really started. After going out to dinner, Jen's nice friend Josh came over for a few minutes, and then we played DDR on the Wii. Calvin got fussy and needed to go to bed at 11:30, but Andy came upstairs at 4:00AM!!!! I asked what he had been up to since he seemed strangely elated, and he said that he, Carrie, and Jen had been up playing boxing and tennis. This morning as we were fixing breakfast, Jen and Carrie said how much they hated Andy - that he was ruthless and ALWAYS won. Andy later explained that they were up all night because Jen and Carrie kept demanding rematches so they could beat him. I think Jen killed him once in boxing, but they went to bed otherwise frustrated. Ah, so sad I missed out.
Playing with Daddy at the frog pond.