Finally, when they were on their third beer (that I had seen), and acting really somber, the guy with a crewcut stated "I can't stand to have my cell phone near my head any more. It's giving me memory loss."
The guy with the uglier sweater replied, as if in a separate conversation "Yeah, if a cop sees you talking, he can pull you over."
Mr. Crewcut IT-man then said "I only use speakerphone and hold my phone out in front of me. I can't stand to make it any worse." and he finished this by taking another long drink of his beer.
I almost spit out my dinner. I wanted to buy him another round for being so brilliant, but I needed to leave before I laughed in his face. So remember kids, every time you use that cell phone, you're ...ummm... I don't remember.
The guy with the uglier sweater replied, as if in a separate conversation "Yeah, if a cop sees you talking, he can pull you over."
Mr. Crewcut IT-man then said "I only use speakerphone and hold my phone out in front of me. I can't stand to make it any worse." and he finished this by taking another long drink of his beer.
I almost spit out my dinner. I wanted to buy him another round for being so brilliant, but I needed to leave before I laughed in his face. So remember kids, every time you use that cell phone, you're ...ummm... I don't remember.