When we lived in VA we went to Five Guys about once a week. Sad, I know. There's just something about their juicy burgers and peanut oil fries that are better than anywhere else. We have really missed it since moving here, until a few weeks ago when they opened one right by us. Tonight we were out shopping for some trees and were right by the new Five Guys so we dropped in. It was all of the goodness we remembered, plus the added benefit of fry sauce (a fatty delicious dipping sauce invented in Utah but now served in burger joints in UT, ID, NV, WA, OR, and CA). It was magical.
We were shopping for trees because when we moved in, we had four dead ones. Luckily it looked like they had just dumped them out of the container, brushed some dirt over them, and never watered them. They came right out of the ground and hadn't established any roots at all. We popped the new ones in, and the yard looks 100 times better.

We also had a cat come hang out with us while we did yard work. Andy gave him chicken, the boy chased him around, and then he bit my hand so we sent him packing.

The boy loved holding the hose and watering the plants. He was soaked, and the happiest I've seen him in a long time.