I've had mixed feelings about getting older this year. Usually it's fun and exciting and the 30's are the new 20's blah, blah, blah, but I feel like I'm at the point that I'd gladly trade my soul to be six years younger, still having the same experiences, and of course, still having Andy and Calvin. I've thought about it a lot lately, so I was very surprised when today turned out to be the perfect birthday.
We got up early and Andy went to cook me breakfast, but I asked if he would mind just getting us some good cereal. When my family came in December I bought half a dozen over-sized boxes of cereal that were never eaten, so for the past 7 months we've been eating stale shredded wheat and raisin bran. Today my yogurt Cheerios with banana slices were the best cereal I'd ever tasted.
Luckily, Andy wasn't traveling today so we were able to spend a lot of time together, we went out to eat at Sweetwater (yummy chocolate waffles), took a nap, and ended the day playing the Wii and watching a chic flick.

Calvin and I were ready to head out the door for Sweetwater when Andy snapped a picture.

My sister Ruthie had balloons delivered to my door. She had given me a present in Utah at my early party, but wanted me to have something special for today. I love balloons. They always make things seem happy and festive.

My stash. Andy's parents sent me a bluetooth mouse which is fabulous with my new laptop, Andy gave me a bluetooth headset and Wii Fit (which is awesome - like in Yoga when they keep saying "keep your center of balance" and you're like, what does that even mean? well this literally shows you when you're keeping it and not, so you know exactly how it's supposed to feel. It weighs you, tells you your BMI, sets up an exercise plan, everything), and I got misc. gift cards and movies from my family.

Calvin tangled up in a mess of balloons.