Sunday, May 11, 2008

Gettysburg and Mother's Day

Today we tried to squeeze one last thing in before Carrie goes home on Wednesday, so we spent the day at Gettysburg. They have a new visitor's center that only opened a few weeks ago. We had a good time and it was a great reminder of our history. The best quote of the day was Carrie saying, "wait, there's a difference between the Civil War and the American Revolution?" Andy about went into a seizure, but she's adorable so it all works out.

When we got home Carrie prepared a wonderful Mother's Day meal and Andy pulled out some divine cheesecake. We had presents and a good time. Of course the very best part of Mother's Day was that Calvin is mine to keep forever.

I had wanted to do a blog entry about how amazing my mom is, but I didn't get around to it. Sad. She is the very best and one day I'll do an entry just for her. At least we had a long talk. I feel bad that we didn't call Andy's mom, but it was so late before we got off the phone with my family. At least we were able to spend some time with her earlier this week. Happy Mother's Day to the two women who have given Andy and I such a wonderful life!

(This picture is horrible. We were all so tired after traipsing through battlefields all day)