Andy happened to be in town, so we all piled into the car and went to the appointment. Calvin was great. We were in a pirate themed room with lots to look at and I went armed with some Dora and Mickey stickers that he put all over himself while we were waiting, so by the time the doctor arrived he was very chatty and interactive. We had to fill out a developmental worksheet ahead of time, and when they scored it he did really well on language and motor skill development. The only area in which he didn't score above average was social interaction. The only points he lost were based on questions about whether he pretends dolls are babies and nurtures them by rocking, talking, and playing with them. I didn't think it was entirely fair since he's never had any dolls to interact with. Whatever. The doctor kept saying that based on his size and how much he talked, she could not believe he was only two. Here are his stats:
Weight: 33.29 lbs (92 percentile)
Height: 37.5in (96 percentile)
Head: 20.25 in (96 percentile)
A few things about the boy right now:
Of course I think Calvin is the smartest, sweetest, most funny boy ever. Some of the things he says lately are:
A few nights ago my mom watched Calvin for our Valentine's Day date. I said "Calvin, Grandma is coming over to play. Are you excited?" and he yelled "yes!" and then he cocked his head to one side and thought for a minute before saying "well, yes AND no." I don't know if he even knows what that means, but I thought it was hilarious.
Loves watching "Bible" (Fivel) on American Tale and will sing "Somewhere out there, 'neath the pill moon lime"
Still asks for Christmas and sings, "Frosty the snowman was a jolly happy Soap"
If he drops a toy, he'll say "uh oh Lion, are you okay?"
Counts to 18 perfectly. Can sing the ABC song and recognizes about 10 of his letters.
"blue slide" means he wants to go to the park,"green slide" means he wants to go in the back yard.
Instead of "yes" he says "okay" so if you're trying to interpret what he says and restate it, he says "okay!" like it was your idea all along.
Says his "s" funny. Says Peacha (pizza), yesh (yes), Curtis (Curtish), etc.
He is such a fun kid. I love that every single day is something new and entertaining with him around. He keeps us on our toes and we couldn't adore him more.
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