Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Trip to the Dentist

Today we took a trip to the dentist. The kids thought it was a party.

First we had x-rays (I forgot to take a picture of Calvin's because I thought he was going to choke to death on those plastic strips they put in his mouth):
Then the cleaning. They got to watch Finding Nemo on the tv on the ceiling while wearing headphones. They did great:

They both got great feedback. The doctor said that Calvin's teeth are great, but we'll have to watch Autumn's a little more closely because some of them are really close together. They both earned a certificate for a free ice cream cone for having no cavities!

The best part about the dentists' office is that once you're done with your check-up, they give you a token that you can use in quarter machines for a prize or you can use it to take a ride on the galloping horse. I always bring a few extra quarters so that they can do both.

As soon as we saw the prize machines, Calvin HAD to have the mustache. He fell in love with it. Autumn wanted a little beaded bracelet. And then we enjoyed the best part ever: The horse ride!

Any other day this would have been the absolute highlight, but not today. Today we are going to the airport to get White Grandma who is coming to visit from Pennsylvania. The kids are ecstatic. Especially Calvin, who can't wait to show her his new facial hair.

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