Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Another Great Invention

Second only to the Baby Bjorn in its entertainment value for Calvin is his little Safari Swing. My mom gave us some money and told us to go get a swing, so I went to Target to see what I could find. They had two that I liked, this one and a Winnie the Pooh swing, but I couldn't find this one anywhere on the shelves, so I picked up the Winnie swing. After wandering around the store, I decided that I really liked the Safari better, so I went back to the swing isle and dug through the shelves. Finally, on the bottom shelf in the very back of a million boxes, I found one! As I crawled under the display and dragged it out from behind some large, heavy boxes I saw the bright orange sticker showing that it was 60% off. The swing of our dreams at a steal of a price. THAT was a great day.

Calvin's a sweetheart. He has been sick this week with a cold, but besides a few screams when we've attacked him with the nasty blue suction bulb, he has remained mostly happy and cute.