Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Before leaving for our long trip, we were able to spend five days at Andy's parents house visiting, celebrating an early Thanksgiving, and saying our goodbyes. We had a wonderful time, and it was so hard to leave. Calvin especially loved it, and it was almost more than I could stand watching him stare through the car window crying, reaching his arms out for his grandma and grandpa as we drove away. Here are some of the highlights:
Daddy found new and useful ways to use the handles on the adorable new overalls from Grandma and Grandpa.
Calvin loved pushing the button on this snowman and listening to him sing, Have a holly jolly Christmas.
Calvin loved watching the train in the toy store go round and round the track. This is him saying his version of choo choo!
Grandma and Grandpa took us out for lunch at the mall, and then we went to visit Santa Claus. We weren't sure how Calvin would react, but he loved it. He sat on Santa's lap, posed perfectly for the pictures, and then went back up the ramp several times just to chat with Santa and the ladies taking pictures. Here is one of him and his grandparents in front of the Christmas tree having so much fun.