It's hard to believe that it's already been two months since Calvin's last appointment and first round of immunization shots. He again had one oral immunization, and two shots in each leg. The entire time he was there he laughed and smiled with the nurses and doctor, until it was time for shots. He still smiled after the first one. After the second and third ones, he glared at the nurse but didn't make a sound. After the fourth, he squawked, but never cried. We were very proud of him. He's been happy all night and only has a slight fever and Snoopy band-aids to show for his ordeal.
His stats for this time were:
- Height 25 inches - 50th percentile
- Weight 17lbs 9oz - 90th percentile
- Head - 17 inches - 90th percentile
- Height 25 inches - 50th percentile
- Weight 17lbs 9oz - 90th percentile
- Head - 17 inches - 90th percentile
Since last time he has grown an inch and a half, gained five pounds, and his head is an inch bigger. In layman's terms, that means he's short and chubby for his age, with a big head. They say that the groceries must be very good at our house.
The Dr. gave us some sleep tips (although he's pretty hard-core Nazi about it, so I'm not sure I'll do EXACTLY what he says), but it was interesting to get a different perspective on things. He also told me not to eat any peanuts and seemed annoyed when I told him I wasn't sure I could give up peanut butter cups. All in all, it was a very good appointment and Calvin is as healthy as can be.