Sunday, August 31, 2008

August in Review

Pictures from August that I liked and didn't post...

One morning Calvin was being unusually quiet, so I went to investigate. He had pulled out all of the books from a cupboard and was babbling softly to himself as he turned the pages.

Cute picture of Daddy, Calvin, and the tiger we adopted in Virginia Beach. More on that story later.

Calvin showing grandma how the fireflies light up in Carle's The Very Lonely Firefly.

Calvin watching tv with Grandpa.

Calvin chasing the elusive dog, Maggie.

Our little family yesterday afternoon.

I fell in love with a little lion Halloween costume, so I got it a bit early and we tried the head piece on Calvin. His little round face looked so adorable in it, but he hated it and tried ripping it off the entire time. The soft, precious little outfit makes me even more excited for fall than I usually am. I hope the boy likes it by then.